Sunday 9 March 2014

Blind stitch and human pin cushion

This week I caught up with the last two weeks of the Great British Sewing Bee and while I am still miles away from accomplishing anything as amazing as the contestants, it has also been a good sewing-week for me.

I'll be honest: I really didn't want to go to my class last Monday. The whole dart misery had gotten to me and despite practicing it at home, I just couldn't get it right. Thanks to the encouragement of my colleagues though, I went and I'm so glad I did! My lovely teacher rescued my dart, I managed to sew the back bits together, as well as the shoulders and am ready to sew in the collar facing. There is even a mini-chance I'll get the top done before the end of the term...

Secondly, I have finally completed the first of three cushions for S. And in the process, I learned how to blind stitch - following this great tutorial. The internet is amazing, in case you hadn't yet noticed!

The one thing I really need to work on though is to stop using my hand as a pin cushion: I somehow manage to prick myself all the time. Even drawing a little blood the other day... (dramaqueen - me?!)

Yes, it's a bit wonky... Cutting and sewing in a straight line really is a skill!!!!

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