Monday 25 August 2014

Bloody darts again

Of course it's been pissing down with rain today - just like it would on a bank holiday Monday. On the upside, I had no excuse not to work on my latest sewing project. I have to say that the instructions for the lining seriously confused me. It didn't help either that I was reading the instructions for a different version of the dress... oops!

I'm still struggling with darts and pressing them into place - I blame the fabric! I'm rather pleased how the pattern of the skirt fits pretty much exactly the pattern of the bodice. Entire coincidence though... as proven by the back where the pattern does not fit at all. I still need to do the neck facing and put in the zip. Having pinned the dress to my dummy, I have the feeling that it will be very tight around my bum. I did try it on before sewing in the darts on the skirt, but something must have gone wrong. Probably also didn't help that I didn't bother to compare my measurements with those on the envelope. After having sewn a few New Look dresses, I assumed it would be the same. At least, I very wisely cut a size bigger as the fabric isn't stretch. Looks as if that didn't provide enough ease though.

Anyway, fingers crossed the dress will fit once it's done! Otherwise another good incentive to a loose a little bit of weight...

As a side note: how on earth do I manage to knock over my box of pins EVERY single time I sew? Soooo annoying... As annoying as always pricking myself with the pins - I'm a real pro after all...

And no, I am not THAT short:
the dummy didn't want to stay put at my actual height...


  1. This looks great :-) Could you let out the darts a bit to create some extra ease around the bum area?

  2. Thanks! :-)
    Hm, hadn't thought about that - but that sounds like a good idea!
