Sunday 8 March 2015


I can't remember whether I mentioned this before: I came across the Happier app. It's a free app for people to share their happy daily moments with each other. Similar to facebook, you can 'like' other people's happy moments, by 'smiling' at them and leaving comments.

Nataly Koga, founder of Happier, also offers some courses. And I am following the Attitude: Gratitude one. It's really about becoming a happier person and finding the little things in our daily lives to be grateful for, even on or maybe especially on the days that aren't great.

I've got to say that I am already doing most if not all of the things she talks about. I'm finding it easy to find several things every single day that I appreciate and am grateful for. Yes, I still moan and get frustrated and anxious but I like to think that I am much better at putting things into perspective and not wallowing in self-pity. But then people around me might think differently...

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